Getting back into the Physics/Engineering PROFESSION!!!

Time to get with it!!

Time to get this out there!!!

This is me. I am an Electrical Engineer and Physicist!!

I'm in the process of re-entering the field of Electrical Engineering. This time, however I'm letting it all hang out ... Academically. See, I entered into Electrical Engineering school most recently ten years ago and somehow fell short by a couple of courses. One of those courses was a microprocessor course that I should have aced. But, I wasn't into PUSHING MY IDENTITY back then. I needed to let everyone know about my BASIC computing experience from childhood (along with my electronics kit experience). I needed to let everyone know about my FORTRAN and C++ experience, and most importantly I really needed to let EVERYONE know about my senior design project and how I built a two speed remote controlled electric motor controlled by flip flops, amplifiers, a transmitter and receiver, and switches. It was a hard project to budget and build but I finally did it.

Mostly I am thanking Jesus and all of His angels for my most recent awakening. So I say: St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou most Heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

With every new post I plan to show new skills, just as I posted a picture this time. My goal is for each and every post from this point on to have an entire solution to some physics and/or math problem until I get someone attention about the seriousness of my demonstrable skill set. In the course of this week I plan to embed Java and C++ code in the webpage as well and display its usefulness. Feel free to comment suggestions. Thank you. Give God the glory. All the UNIVERSE IS HIS!!!


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