How to solve physics problems-Ex1

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Physics/Engineering Problem solver!

Basic List: Method to solving Physics Problems

The list of steps:

  • * Identify the problem
  • * State all of the knowns (including all given data)
  • * draw all figures (rough drawings are allowed!)
  • * Express what you want to find! (the unknowns)
  • * Select a solution strategy (including all formulas)
  • * Solve the problem
  • Say this prayer: it helps!

    St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou most Heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

    * State/Identify the problem

    Our problem consists of solving for the final velocity of a moving vehicle with a given acceleration:

    A car is initially moving with a speed of vi= 30 m/s. It also has an acceleration of

    a = 3.4 m/s/s or 3.4 m/s^2 (3.4 meters per second squared). If it rolls for t = 20 seconds then

    calculate its final velocity!!!

    * Drawing and labeling the figure:

    * Writing the givens...

    Given: vi = 30 m/s

    -----: a = 3.4 m/s

    -----: t = 20 seconds

    * Writing the unknown(s) ...

    Find: vf = ?

    * Select a solution strategy/formula:

    vf = vi + a * time elapsed

    * Performing the solution


    Above, it is usually customary to box the solution!!!

    Using a computer program to verify the solution is correct.

    Now that we've followed the steps in solving the problem, another fun trick is to solve the problem using a computer language like BASIC.

    It could be solved using FORTRAN, C++, or any other computer language.

    In BASIC, however, it looks like this:

    10 Print "Calculating final velocity given acceleration"

    20 Print "Given a car rolling with initial velocity of"

    30 Print "30 m/s with an acceleration of 3.4 m/s/s"

    40 Print "calulate its final velocity if it rolls for"

    50 Print "20 seconds."

    60 VI = 30

    70 ACL = 3.4

    80 DT = 20

    100 VF = VI + ACL * DT

    110 Print "The final speed is ... ", VF;

    120 Print " m/s"

    Please feel free to comment on my post. Try the program and verify that it works. Thank you!


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