

Say this prayer: it helps!

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou most Heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Ok, here's my first MicroElectrical Engineering Problem example. No differential equations here, but still much fun.

The input and output signals for an op-amp circuit are shown below. We wish to determine (a) if the op-amp circuit is linear and (b) the circuit gain.

Below: solution (a)If the circuit is linear then the output is proportional to the input. Looking at the input-output indicates that between 1.25 ms and 2.5 ms and 4 ms and 6 ms the output is constant, but the input is changing. Thus, here the op-amp circuit is in SATURATION and is NOT LINEAR!!

Below: solution (b) Between 0 and 1 ms the output is proportional to the input and it changes by 1V while the output changes by 3.3V. The gain is calculated to be V0/Vi = 3.3/1 = 3.3

In the above diagram we see the image of a unity gain circuit and its circuit model. Underneath the diagram we start KCL for the loops shown in the model.

We start with ...

Vs = IRi + IRo + AoVin

Vout = IRo + AoVin

Vin = IRi

Below we therefore see the derivation for the Unity Gain for Ro << Ri

We see that if Ao >> 1 then Vo/Vs is approximately 1.

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Can go to Engin Econ ex1 to Engineer Econ ex1

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