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MicroElectrical Engineering Problem example 2. Still no differential equations here, but still much fun.
Below is an op-amp operating from +-18 V power supplies fed with a sinusoidal voltage having 3V peak and delivers a sinusoidal voltage output of 10V peak to a 1 kilo ohm load. The amplifier draws a current of 2mA from the positive supply and 1mA from the negative supply. The input current of the amp is found to be sinusoidal with a 0.2mA peak. Find the voltage gain, the current gain, the power gain, the power drawn from the dc supplies, the power dissipated in the amplifier, and the amplifier efficiency.
After calculating the voltage gain above the current gain is calculated below. Notice that both are calculated in decibels as well. Then the Pl and PI are calculated as well as the power gain. The dc power and the power dissipated are calculated.
Finally, below the efficiency is calculated to be 92.6 percent.
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